We invite you to join our Covid-19 freedom support community. If you are on this page, you were probably invited here by an existing member, you have attended at least one of our meetings in person, and you are ready to join the group.
The group leadership has elected NOT to require any membership fees to belong to this platform at this time. Only certain events will have a fee whenever hard costs are involved. Attendance will be optional.
(However, if you do wish to make a donation to support the ongoing costs and development of this platform, please Contact Us to make those arrangements. A donation link can be sent to you upon request.)
In order to become a member of this private members-only community, you need to follow these steps to ensure the integrity and privacy of the platform:
Create an account by clicking the log-in button at the top of the page.
Your membership must be manually approved by the administrator who will then cross reference your name with the latest meeting guest list and email distribution list. Someone will then call you personally to discuss your involvement to see if this community is a good fit for you and for us.
If you were not referred by an existing member, or have not yet been to a meeting and completed a sign-in sheet with a matching email, we will need to know more about you first. do one of these two things.
Send your answers to the vetting questions to the email shown below so we can vet you properly and call you to discuss your acceptance. If your registered email address doesn't match our records exactly, we can't admit you at this time. (Please see the questions in the blue section below and answer them in your message to save time on approving your request.)​
Once you have been approved, you will be able to create a personal profile and access additional private areas of the site.
Approved members will also have access to our Members area where you will be able to communicate with other members in a safe space environment.
As an approved member, you may request access to the various subgroups that interest you. Only approved members will be granted full access to the site including The Lighthouse Society group forum.
If you have any questions about the process, contact the person who invited you here or click the Let's Chat bubble at the bottom of the page to send us a message.
Be sure to provide your full name, phone number, email, the date and location of the last meeting you attended, and who invited you to the this group.
The administrator will contact you from a private number display to properly vet you and help you get started. We take these security measures seriously for the safety of the community. We look forward to welcoming you aboard!
When you request access to the site, here are the questions you will be asked to answer and agree to. You can save us some time by copying this text along with your answers next to each question into your message when you do request access. Please send your answers directly to thelighthousesociety@protonmail.com.
The following details are important so we can properly vet you for the safety and security of others in the community.
What is your full name?
What is your phone number if we need to call you to discuss your acceptance?
Have you attended a previous meeting as a guest?
If so, when and where was the last meeting, you attended?
Who invited you to the group or who in the group can vet/vouch for you?
What is your position on vaccine mandates, regardless of your vaccine status?
Do you agree to keep the contents of this group, the members of this group, and the group itself, 100% confidential?
Do you agree to vet people’s positions on mandates before informing them of this group?
Do you understand that this group is open to people who may have opposing views to you on: vaccine efficacy, mask wearing, lock downs, natural immunity, and so on, and that we encourage anyone who opposes mandates and wants to support stopping them, to join this group?
The group's purpose is to create a sense of community and to support each other through conversations. Do you agree to keep the group meetings and chat focused to the purpose of this group?
If you haven’t been to a previous meeting or weren’t invited by a current member of the society, please indicate that fact and the administrator will contact you from a private number display to properly vet you and help you get started. We take these security measures seriously for the safety of the community and we look forward to hopefully welcoming you aboard!
The Lighthouse Society Leadership Team
Membership is Free: Click to Enroll Now
Society Membership
0$The Lighthouse Society - By Invitation OnlyFree Plan- Unlimited Access this Platform
- Access to the Group Forum Pages
- In-person social gatherings
- Access to private hosted webinars
- Connections to Supportive Businesses
- Discounts at Preferred Merchants
- Safely Connect to Other Members
- Optional cash donations at any meeting
- Private subscription by Square or PayPal upon request
- Optional attendance at paid events where costs are involved